Connect your mobile to the PC (or Laptop) and install the driver for your mobile's modem.
Control Panel -> Network Connection -> Create a New Connection -> Next -> Connect to the Internet -> Setup my connection manually -> Connect using a dial up modem ->
Connecting Device : Your mobile's modem
ISP Name :- Airtel (or anything you like)
Phone Number :- *99# (For MO) & *99***2# (For Airtel Live)
FOR NOP- *99***4#
Username and Password : blank
Only For Airtel Live (For MO its not required):
Connect to the dial-up account.
On the PC ( or Laptop) open your browser, enter any address ,press ENTER and.......WAIT
After a few seconds the page will start to load and you have the WHOLE internet at your disposal.
If you run Airtel Live on Opera then to run MO, press F12 on opera page and disable proxy enabled
Control Panel -> Internet options -> Connections -> Settings ->check on "use a proxy server..." Address: & Port: 8080 -> save it.
Configure your browser( My advice is to use Opera since you can browse both wap and regular websites)
Opera Mini: Tools -> Preferences -> Network -> Proxy Servers ->check HTTP: & Port: 8080 -> save it.
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