hii friends.. after a long time finally a working Front Query Trick i have found so i decided to share with you guys.This trick is working with Android , Java , Symbian with OperaMini HUI and UCWeb Browser and also working on PC with VNap Buster.Through this trick you'll be surfing and downloading at high speed.
=> Features of Front Query Trick
* Browsing + Downloading at High Speed
* Works on your Pc ,Symbian , Java and Android Devices.
* Works with Opera Mini , Ucweb Browser , VNap Buster.
* It Supports Http , Https , Ssl Protocol.
* Works with your default Apn : airtelgprs.com.
* It gives downloading speed upto 250-350 kbps.
=> How to use with Opera Mini HUI and UCWeb HUI Browser
* Firstly you need make new profile with the following settings:
APN : airtelgprs.com
Proxy IP :
Port : 80
* After that download the Opera MIni HUI and UCweb HUi Browser .
* After Installation Put the following Front Query and Real Host
Front Query :
Real Host :
Just save the settings after that you will be able to free browsing and downloading at high speed . Use it at Zero Balance to avoid Balance Deduction.
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